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Development of biomethane prices | The Biomethane price ticker


The biomethane market in Germany has been on the rise for years. The market is characterized due to increasing prices for biogas fed into the grid. The driving force in this course is above all the introduction of the Renewable Energy Directive II (REDII) and an increased interest in bio-LNG and partly bio-CNG. This results in the increased Prices for biomethane mainly from farm manure and advanced residues. In the coming years, these will be double-countable in the greenhouse gas quota (GHG quota) system and, for this purpose, will be superior to renewable raw materials (NawaRos) a step ahead on the revenue side. This makes the production of biogas more interesting and offers new opportunities for biogas plant operators apart from der power generation in the EEG. The following data is derived from interviews with participants in the biomethane market and represents only a sample of the overall market. Biomethane market participants include, for example, operators of biogas feed-in plants or bio-LNG liquefaction plants. The agriportance cannot guarantee the accuracy of the prices for the biomethane. 

Biomethane Price development for supply contracts with a 6-year term from 2025 Farm manure Double crediting 

The price for biomethane from manure is shown below. This is based on a greenhouse gas value (GHG value) of -100 gr CO2eq/ MJ that can realistically be achieved through the REDII and applies to a 6-year-old Supply contract that begins in January 2025. The price includes possible double counting of advanced biomethane.  

Biomethane Price development for supply contracts with a 6-year term from 2025 Residual materials Double counting 

Biomethane produced from advanced residues, has also in the past price changed. In the graph, the price is based on a GHG value that can realistically be achieved by REDII of +10 gr CO2eq/ MJ for a 6-year supply contract starting in January 2025 pictured. The price includes possible double counting of advanced biomethane.   

Biomethane Price development for supply contracts with 6-year term from 2025 NawaRos 

NawaRo-Biomethane is mainly used in biomethane CHP units that receive EEG compensation. Depending on the EEG and bonuses, deviations in the price can occur. The following is a representation based on a 6-year supply contract and was also signed in January 2025 begins. 

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