Was ist die Unionsdatenbank (UDB)? Die Unionsdatenbank ist ein Register von Nachweisen im Biokraftstoffsektor, welches von der EU-Kommission eingerichtet und betrieben wird. Durch sie soll eine bessere Rückverfolgbarkeit von gasförmigen und flüssigen (Bio)Kraftstoffen ermöglicht werden. Dadurch sollen Doppelanrechnungen und Doppelvermarktungen von Nachhaltigkeitseigenschaften vermieden werden. Etwa, dass Treibhausgaseinsparungen von einer Bioenergiemenge auf die deutsche Biokraftstoffquote und den EU-ETS angerechnet werden. Außerdem …
Introduction to the value chain of biomethane production
We explain the biomethane value chain as a climate-friendly energy source.
What is liquid carbon dioxide (LCO2)?
What is LCO2 or liquid CO2 and how can it be used?
Fueling motor vehicles with gas: we explain the differences
Alternative fuels: Overview of the different refueling options
Greenhouse Gas Accounting under the SURE-EU System: An Innovative Approach to Sustainable Energy Management
Greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting has gained importance in recent years to assess the impact of human activities on the climate and to develop efficient mitigation strategies. Different systems such as REDcert, ISCC, and the SURE-EU system offer different approaches to GHG accounting. This technical article focuses on the SURE-EU system and examines its role, benefits, and differences from other accounting systems such as REDcert and ISCC. ...
Structure and examples of the calculation of a GHG balance according to the SURE-EU system.
Explanation, structure and scope of a GHG balance According to the requirements of RED II, the GHG reduction for the production of heat and electricity from biomass fuels in plants commissioned from 2021 onwards must be 70%. This means that by using biomass fuels, as opposed to fossil fuels such as diesel, to produce electricity and heat, at least 70% ...