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What factors influence the biomethane price?

In Biomethane by agriportance GmbH

The price composition of biomethane as a biofuel is a multi-layered process that is influenced by various cost factors. These factors include production costs, transportation costs, taxes and levies as well as profit margins. Each of these cost points plays a crucial role in determining the final price of biomethane for the consumer and the profitability for the producer and supplier. Production costs of biomethane The production of biomethane is a ...

How is the biomethane price developing?

In Biomethane by agriportance GmbH

Biomethane, often referred to as renewable natural gas or green gas, plays an important role in the European energy landscape. This gas is produced through the process of anaerobic fermentation of organic materials. This can be plant residues, liquid manure, dung, agricultural waste, food waste or sewage sludge. Biomethane is a promising solution for a sustainable energy supply. The importance of the biomethane market is growing steadily. Especially in countries with ...

Why the German biomethane market is so interesting: an in-depth look

In Biomethane, GHG by agriportance GmbH

Why the German biomethane market is so interesting: an in-depth look The biomethane market has caused quite a stir in recent months. With rapid price jumps, intense discussions around the greenhouse gas (GHG) quota under the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) III, and a general upswing in the industry due to the energy crisis, it's clear that the German biomethane market is more exciting than ever. But what makes it ...

agriportance: The story of a young company that is shaping the energy transition

In agriportance by agriportance GmbH

agriportance GmbH" was born out of the vision of bringing more climate protection into agriculture. At the same time, an economic solution for the future was to be developed together with the farmers - the founding story tells the beginning, the status quo and the vision for the future. Thorsten Rohling as a software developer and Henning Dicks as a farmer, together with many companions, ...

Greenhouse Gas Accounting under the SURE-EU System: An Innovative Approach to Sustainable Energy Management 

In Uncategorized by agriportance GmbH

Greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting has gained importance in recent years to assess the impact of human activities on the climate and to develop efficient mitigation strategies. Different systems such as REDcert, ISCC, and the SURE-EU system offer different approaches to GHG accounting. This technical article focuses on the SURE-EU system and examines its role, benefits, and differences from other accounting systems such as REDcert and ISCC. ...

Structure and examples of the calculation of a GHG balance according to the SURE-EU system.

In Uncategorized by agriportance GmbHLeave a Comment

Explanation, structure and scope of a GHG balance According to the requirements of RED II, the GHG reduction for the production of heat and electricity from biomass fuels in plants commissioned from 2021 onwards must be 70%. This means that by using biomass fuels, as opposed to fossil fuels such as diesel, to produce electricity and heat, at least 70% ...

Sustainable, future-proof fuel: Bio-LNG and Bio-CNG

In Biomethane fuel by agriportance GmbHLeave a Comment

Biogas in the tank: A solution with sustainable LNG and CNG In times of climate change and declining fossil resources, the search for alternative energy sources is becoming increasingly urgent. One of the promising offerings is biogas, which can be provided in various forms such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) for the transportation sector. But what exactly are LNG and CNG, and how can they ...